Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

Why Procrastination is Not Your Fault & How to Break Free

Everyone wants the feeling of freedom, but procrastination can feel like you are caged and can't find the key. We all get stuck in patterns, and the patterns become habits. Procrastination is the same thing. If you are procrastinating – that’s a verb; it’s an action you are engaged in. It doesn’t mean that you are a procrastinator – that’s not who you are on an identity level. It’s the same as calling yourself an angry person. You are a person who is...

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5 Ways to Let it Go!

I’m busy cleaning out closets these days – so much stuff, so many memories, some things bring back tender memories, some are more painful! I’m calling this my Project Liberation. It’s a process of letting go of things that no longer suit me, who I am, and who I’m becoming. And while I’m still in the middle of it, I can see daylight and it feels good. So today, let’s talk about 5 ways of letting go, and how good it can make you feel too.



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How to Have Healthy Boundaries!

To have healthy relationships, it’s necessary to have healthy boundaries. 

Do you ever find yourself saying yes to something when every fiber of your being screams NO! Are you noticing that you tend to give up what’s important to you so that another person doesn’t get irritated or angry or moody or sad? Are you turning yourself into a human pretzel to be there for others, who may not actually really be there for you?



Without knowing, we often...

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How to Get Out Of Your Own Way

 3 steps to activate the best within you


We all have an ego - sometimes it feels like it's there to help you, but sometimes, especially as you evolve, you will find that it holds you back; it stands in your way. What can you do? First of all, what exactly is your ego? The ego is your sense of self, of self-worth - it's how you think of yourself. If you had to fill the blank: I am... stubborn, smart, boring, kind, don't fit in...These are stories you developed from...

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How to Feel Better Even When Something Does Not Work Out

Before I start anything, I just want to encourage everyone in the U.S. who has not yet had the opportunity, to please go out and vote. Your voice matters more than you know.  

So, it was just my birthday – in such a crazy year, in such wild times. I usually don’t make a big deal out of it, but this year, for some reason, it has more meaning. I feel more grateful in general, for the little things, the messages and phone calls that have come my way. Interestingly, I am...

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Forgiveness = Freedom: 7 ways to reclaim your life

You cannot erase memories, but you can let go of the heavy energy that is attached to them.” – Yung Pueblo


No one can go through life without being hurt by another human - often it’s not intentional, but it can certainly feel that way. What do you do with those emotions? How do you transcend, forgive and move on?



Sometimes forgiveness has two levels – the more obvious is forgiving someone else who hurt us or someone we love. But...

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