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Finding Your Inner Strength

In the wake of all that is going on in Ukraine, where so many people are risking life and limb for what they believe, and for their family and country’s future, it’s made me start thinking about the nature of courage and strength. What is it really? And how do we call on it when it is needed?


1. Align with your values 

Tapping into your inner strength works better when what you want, or what you are fighting for is important to you on a core deep level. Are you aligned with what you are doing?   Does it fit with what you believe and what you stand for?  What is you why? When you have a strong reason to fight for something, someone, for justice, for a cause that you believe in, you will find reserves in you that you never thought you had.  This’ll also make you happier. If you want to jump into a happiness challenge, we have create one for you  - learn more at patreon.com.


2. Adapt to Change and Listen to Your Intuition

When things are always shifting, and you can no longer follow traditional formats, you have to depend on yourself. That means your intuition. This can be experienced as a felt sense, or a body knowing. It’s a message from you to you. In uncertain times, actually in all times, your intuition is something to pay attention to. Trust it.  Do you trust your intuition?


3. Take care of Your Boundaries

Inner strength has to do with saying no to what offends your soul, just as much as it is saying yes to what calls you.  There are times when you have to honor both of these by drawing a line in the sand. What area do you feel you want to draw line in the sand? Personal, family, work, health…


4. Focus on navigating the obstacle, rather than the obstacle itself.

It can be overwhelming to think of the scope of the challenge at hand. Break it down into small actions, which remind you that your efforts are making a difference.


5. Help other Humans

This is the best way to tap into your inner strength,  and connect with something bigger than yourself.  Remember our shared humanity and that your thoughts, intention, and actions are not only helping other human, they are helping you too. By getting out of your comfort zone to be of service, you are connecting with the goodness, life force and power that are always there inside of you.


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