Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

Get Stronger - Why you need this now

Have you ever felt really solid in your body, or have you ever WANTED to feel that way? Have you noticed that when you feel stronger physically, it's so much easier to feel emotionally strong too? The best way to get to this is by strength training, that is getting stronger physically, specifically building more muscle. The earlier you start, the better off you will be.


It's not only empowering, and great for you; it is a huge advantage in living your best and most vibrant...

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Stop Negative Thought Patterns & Move Forward

Have you ever noticed that the critic's voice (your not good enough, don’t know enough, not loveable enough, not productive enough…) is just so annoying?


Have you ever been so tired of certain negative thought patterns that you just wanted a better way to navigate through? Today we’re talking about 3 ways to break the tendency and move forward and 4 tips to seal in your progress. Most people are burdened with these, so let’s explore what to do.


  1.  ...
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Don’t Let the Ugly in Others Kill The Beauty in You

3 ways to realign with your inner confidence, beauty, and strength.


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that someone’s attitude or behavior was affecting how you felt about yourself? We live in a world of contrast. Shocking and calming, negative and positive, disappointing and inspiring, feeling overwhelmed and I got this. Today we’re talking about 3 ways to return to your beauty, strength, and promise, even in a very complicated world. 



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7 Ways to Find Success No Matter What You Have Faced

Have you ever heard a story of someone who had unimaginable odds stacked against them, yet was able to find their own path to success? Recently, I had a conversation with Jim Markham, author of Big Lucky, whose life and lessons are nothing short of inspiring. We begin with: Jim, you had an incredibly rough childhood. Your mom suffered to maintain sobriety, your dad left you, and you were bullied at school. I can't get the image out of my head of a young boy left in a cold car, eyes...

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Confidence Even In Uncertain Times

Everyone knows someone who has been furloughed or fired. It’s an atmosphere that can eat away at your confidence. That's why it's SO important to keep yourself in a good place. Today we’ll be talking about 7 ways to stay strong or emerge even stronger in uncertain times.


  1. Life doesn’t happen to youit happens for you. If your company is laying people off or furloughing them, consider this an opportunity to look inside, and at what you would want to invest...
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Got Self-Trust? 4 Ways Your Brain Can Help :)

 We usually can tell when people are confident – they project this air of “I’ve got this.” Their belief/trust in themselves, especially if it’s not braggy or showy, helps you believe in them too. To continue on the theme we’ve been covering, about 7 out of 10 people, are dealing with Imposter Syndrome, an underlying lack of confidence, due to a lack of SELF-trust. It doesn't have to be that way.


First of all,  don’t think...

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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.