Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

Freedom from Anxiety checklist

As stresses rise, it's good to have a few go-to tools to bring the pressure d-o-w-n... Here's a checklist to have at your fingertips of proven ways to realign and come back to yourself.


1. Limit Exposure:

  • Reduce screen and news time.
  • Set specific times to check news or social media.
  • Create device-free zones or times in your day.



2. Practice Present-Moment Awareness:

  • Ask yourself grounding questions:
    • Am I safe in this moment?
    • What can I control right now?
    • Will worrying...
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How to Say NO; Even if it's Hard

We’ve all heard the line, “just say NO.” But it can be challenging to set a boundary especially if you are used to being accommodating. It’s good to try to be there for others, but do not forget to be there for yourself.


People pleasing has to do with trading you own needs for validation from others. If you were raised in a family where pleasing others was the currency of receiving love, it’s a strategy that may have become an ingrained behavior. But...

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Claim Your Calm with the "Let Them" Theory (Mel Robbins)

How great would it feel to be free of other people’s negativity or drama? The good news is that greater calm and happiness are entirely possible.  But we can’t wait for others to change. It’s up to us to protect our peace, and it’s not as hard as we may think. Today I’m going to give you 5 ways to get there, and you will love the new freedom that you feel.

One of my all time favorite quotes from Viktor Frankl: “Between stimulus and response, there...

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Don’t Believe the Hype! Challenge unrealistic expectations and get happier

There are so many messages both in social media and in our own heads that we have to conform to a certain definition of beauty and success. How about some new perspectives, so you can not be trapped, even unknowingly in the comparison game, (which as the saying goes, “compare leads to despair.”) This is about looking at these messages through a new lens and finding more freedom and joy.


First step always is awareness – to be aware of what we have been...

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How to Silence Your Inner Critic

Have you ever seen those cartoons where the main character has a tiny little angel on one shoulder, and a little devil on the other? The angel is whispering encouraging and supportive words, “You got this – get back in there.”  and the devil uses words that tear the person down or plant seeds of doubt “It's too late. What were you thinking – you’re just going to humiliate yourself – you don’t have what it takes.”  It’s...

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Let Go of Past Regrets and Rewrite Your Future

Have you ever wanted to let go of old regrets? But just having that desire, does not mean it's easy. We are all human. We all make mistakes, and that's because we’re all here to learn. The good news is we don’t have to keep trudging through life, carrying this heavy baggage. Below, I’m going to give you 7 ways to free yourself from the tethers of regret, guilt and shame, and use what’s happened to make you stronger, more aware, and kinder to yourself and others....

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How to Control Negative Thoughts

Have you ever felt that even if it was your intention to be more positive and grateful in life, those negative thoughts have a way of sneaking in? Whether it's ruminating on a past disappointments, or getting down on yourself for not having it all “together,” whether imposter syndrome is barging in, or there’s just a nagging sense of the unknown, you’re not alone. We live in stressful times. So today I want to give you 6 ways to reset your mind, and get back...

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An End to Procrastination

Everyone wants the feeling of freedom, but procrastination can feel like we are caged and can't find the key. We all get stuck in patterns, and those patterns become habits. Procrastination is the same thing. If you are procrastinating – that’s a verb; it’s an action you are engaged in. It doesn’t mean that you ARE a procrastinator – that’s not who you are on an essence level.


It’s the same as calling yourself an "angry person."...

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10 Ways to Escape the Rut & Live a Better Life

Have you ever felt that you just needed an inspiration activation; and that life was getting stale, even soul-crushing at times? That’s actually an important wake-up call because it blasts opens the DESIRE to try something new“And the day came when the risk to remain tight In a bud was more painful than the risk It took to blossom.” – Anais Nin.   Let's jump into 10 ways to activate your inspiration, energy, and joy:



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How to Come Back To Yourself

 Have you ever felt beside yourself, either flushed with intense emotions or on the other hand checking out, or disassociating, from the emotions either in or around you? You are not alone. We all long for greater peace and safety within ourselves, and in the case of anger, we may want justice, retribution, or simply an exit strategy.


So let’s use anger as an example. One key insight, According to psychologist Margaret Paul, is that though anger may be disguised as blaming...

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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.