Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

The Eyes Have It: getting rid of under eye bags

So what’s the deal with eye bags? For some people it’s hereditary, but I never had eye bags until a month or 2 ago, so I’m kinda curious. Where did they come from? What am I doing or not doing to have these show up? Maybe you’ve asked the same questions.


Today, I want to share the best of what I’ve found in Face Yoga as well as some very unexpected but highly recommended remedies. Let’s jump in.


The things that bring this on, it turns out are:...

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5 things I Know Now & Wish I’d Learned in My 30’s

alignment energy happiness Jan 17, 2024

When we are running around in our 30’s and on, getting older is something that most people dread. But what if instead of getting worse, life got better in many ways? Here are 5 things I wish I knew earlier on.


     1. Your Happiness Increases

If you think that the happiest years are when you are younger, and after that everything goes downhill, that’s something we are used to seeing in the culture, but it is not the way life plays out. Research based on the...

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The Universe in Your Heart


In times of tumultuous challenges, we can either be swept up by the tides or learn how to ride the waves.  I am blessed with amazing kids who are learning these very same things (as are most of us!)  Yesterday I received calls from two of them: one who had seen a father taken from his family while his wife and daughter were helplessly sobbing.  Another spoke of internal alarms going off about the future of the postal system and what that could imply....

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An Unconventional Intervention

Have you ever wondered about the greater good and how each person can direct their energy and focus, even briefly to help shift the intense energy we are all experiencing?

If you have felt the energy around you intensified lately, you are not alone; most everyone everywhere is sensing the escalation. It can be expressed as anxiety – there is enough of that around, and it can also be directed to make things better. If there was one simple thing that you could do to effect positive change...

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Feeling drained? Here's how to Power Up

Let’s start with one thing – self-care is not selfish. It’s one of the best preventative wellness strategies you can ever find – why? Burnout can happen – whether you are running your own life, a family or a movement, just as you have to take care of a car so it doesn’t break down, you have to take care of your own vehicle, which is created to take you where you want to go…if you look after it!

So what’s gets in our way?

  • Do you ever feel like...
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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.