Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

How to Improve Your Mood Instantly

Ready to be in a better mood?  If you've noticed your moods going in all directions lately, there is so much that is unsettled these days, it can be challenging to maintain an even keel.


So... if you are looking for ways to improve your mood quickly, you’ve come to right place.  Read on for not only things to think about, but actionable practices to improve your mood, that you can use in your life right now.




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The Easiest Path to Happiness Ever

awe happiness joy wonder Apr 10, 2024

Want more happiness?  Get more awe and wonder in your life. If you’ve ever witnessed an eclipse, stood in the dark under a starlit sky, or witnessed the breathtaking magic of a double rainbow, you have unintentionally but fully, entered one of the most amazing states a human can enter: a state of awe.


It can happen in a concert when you are totally immersed in the music, when you are moved deeply by a painting or poem, seeing a baby born, or staring at a majestic view from a...

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10 Tips for A Happier (Mid)Life

habits happiness joy midlife Apr 04, 2024


What does happiness mean to you? Happiness is a lot of things to a lot of people, It’s a  perspective, it’s something we can train our brain towards, and it’s also a habit. The happiest or most peaceful people, share some similar qualities. Today, I wanted to give them to you in the form of 10 tips  to embrace midlife and Be Happier.  See which ones you already have, and which you want to dial up:


The happiest people:

Explore their creativity or...

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7 Ways to Embrace Midlife & Be Happier – Part 1


Happiness is a perspective, and it is also a habit. it's more instinctive than you may think.  


Have you noticed that as we get older, we may be changing some old, ingrained habits, and we really don’t care nearly as much about some of the things that bothered us before.

  • Like what will other people think.
  • Like getting everything on our to do list done.
  • Like exhausting ourselves to please all the people in our life.
  • Things are shifting...



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Happiness Over 50, Pt. 1

alignment happiness health Feb 14, 2024

If you’re over 50, or heading in that direction, it’s a wakeup call to start taking care of yourself. I know you are probably so used to taking care of others, but it’s imperative that you start to look after yourself too. Today we’ll talk about what that can look like, and i’ll be introducing an array of topics in the weeks ahead.


BTW - you can watch this on Youtube too, and if you haven't yet, do subscribe.  Every week we talk...

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5 things I Know Now & Wish I’d Learned in My 30’s

alignment energy happiness Jan 17, 2024

When we are running around in our 30’s and on, getting older is something that most people dread. But what if instead of getting worse, life got better in many ways? Here are 5 things I wish I knew earlier on.


     1. Your Happiness Increases

If you think that the happiest years are when you are younger, and after that everything goes downhill, that’s something we are used to seeing in the culture, but it is not the way life plays out. Research based on the...

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Revealed: How Authenticity Can Transform Your Life and Happiness

Is authenticity the fast track to happiness? What does it even mean to be your authentic self? To me, it is that your outward actions and how you show up in the world are aligned with who you are on the inside. And by the inside, I mean your inner essence, your true nature, who you were born to be. One of my favorite quotes is “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”  Mahatma Gandhi.


Yes, it’s a tall order,...

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Know Your Happiness Blueprint :)

Happiness is not a one size fits all program. For it to be real, it has to be personally aligned with you, and what’s meaningful, important, and resonant with no one else but YOU!



We all know happiness matters: you live longer, have better relationships, enjoy more life satisfaction... The research shows that happiness:

  •  strengthens your immune system
  • eases stress
  • helps you manage aches and pains
  • reduces disease and disability
  • protects your heart...
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5 Ways to Let it Go!

I’m busy cleaning out closets these days – so much stuff, so many memories, some things bring back tender memories, some are more painful! I’m calling this my Project Liberation. It’s a process of letting go of things that no longer suit me, who I am, and who I’m becoming. And while I’m still in the middle of it, I can see daylight and it feels good. So today, let’s talk about 5 ways of letting go, and how good it can make you feel too.



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Facing Tough Times? 2 Steps to Ease Your Way

A couple of weeks ago, you may know that I was taking a pause. My mom had just gone into hospice, and I wanted to be fully present to her, the situation, say everything I wanted to say... and send her off knowing how much she was loved.



I'm grateful that my family and I were able to do this; many don't have the opportunity. One moment is very close to me; it was an instant when she opened her eyes and was very present. This gift...

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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.