Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

Holiday Harmony: 10 Ways to Protect Your Peace

When the outside world is challenging and chaotic, that may be the best time to go inside to find our anchors and our peace. With that in mind, here are some simple reminders to amplify the good and make this holiday one that recharges the soul.


  1. Embrace Imperfection: Don’t try to make things perfect – there’s no such thing. If you are hosting, give people jobs, like: you set the table, you make the salad – it doesn’t have to be all on your...
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More Celebration & Make it Meaningful :)

Are you ready for a year of more joy? If we’re lucky enough to have new turns around the sun; it’s so important to celebrate. And meaningful celebration is the best – it’s what we remember, and it’s what puts a smile in our hearts. My friend is celebrating her 60th birthday. She’s bringing together old friends and new and marking the milestone. I encourage you to do the same, whenever the inspiration arises.


Though time is one thing we do not...

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Why Thinking of the Negative Can Lead You to the Positive

There certainly are enough negative things going on in the world today - thinks that shock our systems and take us off course. What if instead of getting burdened or even buried by them, we could use aspects to reframe our thinking and bring us back to a more positive perspective? I’m not saying walk through life with rose-colored glasses – just experiment with a way to tap into your resiliency, so you can move forward. This involves looking at things in a counterintuitive way....

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The Universe Always Has A Plan


Amazing!! I recently interviewed Matt Kahn to talk about awakening in challenging times. If you don’t know him already, Matt is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here To Help You and The Universe Always Has A Plan. As a highly attuned empathic healer, his over 17 million YouTube channel viewers are finding support in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love.


We spoke...

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Facing Tough Times? 2 Steps to Ease Your Way

A couple of weeks ago, you may know that I was taking a pause. My mom had just gone into hospice, and I wanted to be fully present to her, the situation, say everything I wanted to say... and send her off knowing how much she was loved.



I'm grateful that my family and I were able to do this; many don't have the opportunity. One moment is very close to me; it was an instant when she opened her eyes and was very present. This gift...

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3 Keys to Emotional Resilience


Resilience can be seen two ways - like a tree that sways in the storm but doesn't break, OR it can be what in Japan is called Kintsugi - the idea of repairing a ceramic bowl with gold in the broken places - the quality of putting together the broken pieces, to create something new, stronger and even more beautiful. Broken but repaired. Not shattered but stronger.


One thing that is a huge help is our perspective. There is a wonderful piece going around the internet, called WE ARE NOT IN...

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How to Make Hard Changes Easier!

Do you ever have people telling you to move on, clear the decks, “get rid” of things or people that are not in alignment with you? It could be a person, thing, job, opportunity, whatever you are pursuing. 

It’s hard to make a big change when you are caught up in a sea of challenges, some overt and some nagging below the surface. But it is possible, you owe it to yourself, and you can do this more easily when you operate in a conscious way. Today we’ll be covering:...

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Tired of Money Worries- Read This :)

Have you ever come to a realization that the path you were on was no longer working for you, and that you were changing but your life had not yet caught up? Kyle Cease, New York Times bestselling author and renown comedian, shares insights and AHAs that can change your perspective on money, success and authentic happiness for good!


Instead of letting the pursuit of money and the scarcity mentality suck you into a vortex of never-enoughness, Kyle’s new book, The Illusion of...

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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.