Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

From Confusion to Clarity

emotions journaling mindset Jan 12, 2023

What better way to start something new than to get the direction and the answers from ourselves? Whether it's a practice you've tried or something new in your life, journaling has several aspects that make it so darn appealing:

  1. It helps get rid of emotional residue, by getting our thoughts on paper. Think of it clearing a traffic jam in the brain.
  2. It’s also a way of connecting to our inner GPS in order to receive greater clarity on any given topic.
  3. Journaling helps us create new habits...
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How to Protect Your Peace During the Holidays

boundaries holidays peace Nov 22, 2022

Holidays are a great time to get together with family and see friends we’ve missed, but don’t forget yourself in the process. Here are 6 ways to enjoy the special moments, avoid the perilous ones, all while keeping your humor and sanity intact.


 1. Don’t try to change anyone

Your energy is precious. This is not the time to use it to try to change anyone’s politics or how they choose to walk through life. Some ways to reduce your stress are:

  • Do not...
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An End to Procrastination

Everyone wants the feeling of freedom, but procrastination can feel like we are caged and can't find the key. We all get stuck in patterns, and those patterns become habits. Procrastination is the same thing. If you are procrastinating – that’s a verb; it’s an action you are engaged in. It doesn’t mean that you ARE a procrastinator – that’s not who you are on an essence level.


It’s the same as calling yourself an "angry person."...

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10 Ways to Escape the Rut & Live a Better Life

Have you ever felt that you just needed an inspiration activation; and that life was getting stale, even soul-crushing at times? That’s actually an important wake-up call because it blasts opens the DESIRE to try something new“And the day came when the risk to remain tight In a bud was more painful than the risk It took to blossom.” – Anais Nin.   Let's jump into 10 ways to activate your inspiration, energy, and joy:



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How to Let Go + Find Greater Freedom

Have you ever felt that you needed to switch things up a bit?  Have you instinctively known that a part of you was ready for a shift? And that shift did not involve discovering new pursuits, people or passions. It was more subtle, more like a quiet call…a softer invitation to go inwards and rest in yourself?

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This has been true for me. It was not something sudden –...

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How to Deal with Burnout and GROW!

burnout growth re-energize Mar 31, 2022

If you've felt a constant fatigue, or irritation with life lately, you may be one of the hordes of people experiencing burnout. This is not permanent - it is a sign of our times. Here are some ideas to help you reset. First...


What is burnout?

Dr. Lotte Dyrbye, a Mayo Clinic physician scientist who studies burnout, defines it not as a medical condition, but a “manifestation of chronic unmitigated stress.”

That means total engulfing stress that doesn’t stop. The...

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How to Cope with Current Fears

anxiety fears ukraine Mar 17, 2022

There are pervasive fears layering on pandemic overload, and it's important to remember there are things we can do, to navigate this troubling time, not only for ourselves but our loves ones too.

First I want to tell you a story:

In the mid 1800’s an elderly Rabbi lived in Ukraine. Though it was never easy, he was able to raise his family and could devote his time to help his community. Life had its own rhythm. When looking out the windows of his home at the end of the day, little...

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Finding Your Inner Strength

In the wake of all that is going on in Ukraine, where so many people are risking life and limb for what they believe, and for their family and country’s future, it’s made me start thinking about the nature of courage and strength. What is it really? And how do we call on it when it is needed?


1. Align with your values 

Tapping into your inner strength works better when what you want, or what you are fighting for is important to you on a core deep level. Are you...

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Feeling Invisible? This Can Help

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2022

Have you ever been in a social situation where you did not feel welcome? Have you ever had a conversation where you felt your ideas were not taken into account? The idea of feeling invisible has so many different forms, but the common thread underneath them all is not feeling adequately seen or heard, often blaming ourselves, not wanting to ask for help, or thinking that there’s something wrong with us.



Let’s shed some light on this. The thing is, we are wired to...

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How to Come Back To Yourself

 Have you ever felt beside yourself, either flushed with intense emotions or on the other hand checking out, or disassociating, from the emotions either in or around you? You are not alone. We all long for greater peace and safety within ourselves, and in the case of anger, we may want justice, retribution, or simply an exit strategy.


So let’s use anger as an example. One key insight, According to psychologist Margaret Paul, is that though anger may be disguised as blaming...

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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.