Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

10 Ways to Deal with Disappointment!

Whether it’s the mess-up of New Year’s resolutions or an unexpected change in plans, maybe a relationship is changing, or the job did not come through, life is always changing – it’s how we handle it that matters most. Disappointment is not a destination; it’s just one part of the human journey. Here are 10 ways to bounce back faster, and reclaim your vibrancy, your hope, and your spark.


1. Accept that you feel disappointed – don’t try to sugar...

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Surprising technique to release stuck energy

Have you ever felt your energy running low, and you knew something was off but could not quite pinpoint what was going on? Often our emotions are out of balance, which can be a drain to the whole system. 


Jin Shin Jyutsu, is an ancient technique, which originated in Japan, was rediscovered in the past century and is now being used in integrative medicine (UCSD Center for Integrative Medicine) for a wide variety of conditions. This simple but powerful technique can be...

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If you want to Stop Negativity on Demand - try this!!

Uncategorized Dec 26, 2019


Wouldn't it be great if you could take charge of your energy, reset your space, and strengthen your inner resources? The great news is that anyone can do this, you don’t have to look for outside support, and it is very easy to do.

Say you are in a stressful situation and your mind starts racing; you feel off-center. You catch yourself in a negative thought, self-criticism, and you might feel overwhelmed, trapped and not sure how to get free. What can help? I’m so...

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Making the Next 10 Years the BEST 10 Years!


As a new decade rolls in, this is the perfect opportunity to reinvent your life according to who you are now and who you want to step into. What if you could create the most vibrant, alive, juicy, creative expansive decade of your life?

I’m taking a stand right now, and you can join this commitment to make the next 10 years the BEST 10 years. And to help jumpstart this I’m so excited to share a free video series to SET YOU UP! In this moment, though, consider what you...

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Overthinking: 10 Ways Break Free!

Overthinking is something that everyone experiences from time to time. The good news is that you have choices. This is about deconstructing that helpless-feeling state, and giving you ways to deal with it, so you can resume your life and feel better. Let's jump in. 


What is overthinking? 

First, it's important to make a distinction: Unlike problem-solving which is geared toward thinking about a solution and taking action, or self-reflection which is about looking...

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How to Have Next Level Friendships

There’s something brewing, and it’s happening around the world. I just learned that Denmark has a National Movement against Loneliness, the UK appointed a Minister for Loneliness, There’s an Australian Coalition to End Loneliness, and in a survey done in the US, 46% of people self-reported as lonely.

What’s up, and what can we do about it?



Can we agree that friendship is such an important part of life? Not only does it help us live longer, heal faster,...

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How to Enjoy Thanksgiving... even if people don’t get along!

Thanksgiving is a time to come together to reconnect, enjoy a harvest feast, and appreciate life, including the people around us. Yet for so many, it’s not all stuffing your face and laughter. Family dynamics may be strained at the outset, and in contentious times, it’s easy to get sucked into focusing on what we don’t agree on. Here are some tips to make the most of this genuinely awesome occasion:


1. Find the Humor and Tap into Forgiveness

When Aunt Sally does her...

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Forgiveness = Freedom: 7 ways to reclaim your life

You cannot erase memories, but you can let go of the heavy energy that is attached to them.” – Yung Pueblo


No one can go through life without being hurt by another human - often it’s not intentional, but it can certainly feel that way. What do you do with those emotions? How do you transcend, forgive and move on?



Sometimes forgiveness has two levels – the more obvious is forgiving someone else who hurt us or someone we love. But...

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A Counterintuitive Approach to a Happy Life: the Power of Play!


I have had a fascination with animals and other cultures since I was a kid, and recently had the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream - I went to Africa!!  Through the experience, I reconnected with one of the cornerstones of joy – PLAY! And you can too :) It is one of the most underappreciated keys to a good life - let's explore...


Sometimes play gets a bad rap – it can seem frivolous, unimportant and indulgent. Actually, it is quite the opposite – it...

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Speaking with Aaron Gendle

We're taught to feel comfortable with the positive emotions, but when we're confronted with the more difficult ones, most people want to run the other way.  When we do that we're missing a huge opportunity, because they carry a lot of information.

Recently I had the absolute pleasure of being interviewed by Aaron Gendle of the Daily Authors Podcast about my book Emotional Advantage and my experience writing it.  In case you missed it I highly encourage you to catch the podcast...

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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.