Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

How to Help Parents Dealing with Loneliness

If you have parents that are getting older, there may be new issues that you both have to deal with. Have you ever noticed that their world may become smaller when friends and family move away? There can be issues of all kinds from mobility to illness, to feelings of isolation. They may feel that their independence is being taken away, and you may feel the added responsibility of caring not only for their needs, but their happiness. I can remember when my sister and I had to take the car keys...

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7 Ways to Get Happier as We Get Older

happier older vibrant Nov 22, 2023

This culture, in general, has a deeply rooted fear of getting older. Think about what’s been ingrained forever in fairy tales, movies, social media, and the way we see ourselves. The good news is that this is changing. Growing older is inevitable, (if we’re LUCKY enough to have that opportunity), and it really doesn’t have to be a negative experience. In fact, it can be an opportunity to deepen connections with ourselves and others, to try new things, and experience more...

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Improving Relationships in a Charged Environment

The world we live in today is full of challenges, conflicts, and polarization. We are constantly exposed to news, social media, and opinions that can trigger our emotions, beliefs, and biases. The good news is that there are ways to improve our relationships and hold onto our own peace even as the world is getting more intense. Here are 5 tips to manage your own mental health, grow inner peace, and experience better connections.

Relationships can be an important source of support, comfort,...

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Finding Joy in Anxious Times

anxiety joy stress relief Nov 02, 2023

Life can be stressful and overwhelming, especially during periods where uncertainty is off the charts, when fear is escalating, and when every day brings more stories of suffering.  This blog is a reminder that we are not stuck there.


While the experience of happiness is often dependent on external circumstances, joy is an inner state of being that can be cultivated no matter what is happening around us. It’s a feeling of peace, contentment, gratitude, and connection that...

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7 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

anxiety growth relief Oct 26, 2023

We’re living in a time when the world is unsettled, seemingly out of control; so it’s normal that we might feel that way too. Many people are not feeling safe these days; and feeling more anxious they have never felt before. Personally, I have to limit my exposure to the news; maybe you do too. It becomes too much for our nervous systems, not to mention our hearts, to process.


Though we may link up fear and anxiety,  they are not the same. “Fear is often an...

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How to Harness Hope

 Now, with so much going on in the world that is out of our control, how do we feel hope and a sense of agency in our lives? How can we feel that life is progressing? Here's a thought. Are you open to waking up the resilience, the resourcefulness, and the fearlessness that are at the core of who you are? Your true essential self is very strong. You were born with this inner strength and with the capacity for resilience. The good news is that these can be easier to access under...

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How to Get Stronger And Feel More Alive :)

fun strengths vibrancy Oct 12, 2023

 Lately, I have found myself mesmerized and yes inspired by these amazing women in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, 80’s, even some 90’s who have great energy, and who radiate vitality. Strong, empowered, and having a blast. As I contemplate what I want for my next couple of decades, it turns out to be exactly that!


My friend and I are starting a friendly challenge about getting fit and getting strong, and... I’d like to invite you join us! It...

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Create a Future that Lights You Up


What does the future hold? Over the course of a life, this is question we ask ourselves at least once, maybe a multitude of times! And the answer changes, depending on when we are asking, and what our life situation happens to be at the time. Today we’ll explore 4 ways to navigate the territory...


What the future holds depends so much on the lens through which we see and interpret life. Part of that interpretation is linked to an awareness of "what is in my control"...

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From Comparison Into Joy

comparison joy mindset Jun 22, 2023

There’s no doubt that we live in a culture that is constantly comparing – what people have, what they look like, achievements, vacations, children, friends – it can be ridiculous! This is important because it chips away at our self-confidence.  All this is not only supported, but actually fueled by social media, and it affects not only ourselves (to the extent we let it) but also our kids, and the next generation. Enough already! Here are 5 ways to break free.


  1. ...
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How to Get Comfortable in Your Own Skin

 Would you say that you are comfortable in your own skin, or is that something you are working on, as I am, as well as most women I know? The idea that we can make midlife, and on, the best time of life has grabbed me hard, so much so that my next book is all about it. I really want to invite you into the conversation, so have put together a very short questionnaire, to know what’s on your heart too - it matters. (And if you’ve done it already, thank you!)

Back to being...

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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.