Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

Stop Negative Thought Patterns & Move Forward

Have you ever noticed that the critic's voice (your not good enough, don’t know enough, not loveable enough, not productive enough…) is just so annoying?


Have you ever been so tired of certain negative thought patterns that you just wanted a better way to navigate through? Today we’re talking about 3 ways to break the tendency and move forward and 4 tips to seal in your progress. Most people are burdened with these, so let’s explore what to do.


  1.  ...
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The Magic of New Beginnings

#goals energize new year Dec 30, 2021


New beginnings can happen more easily than you can know. Today, we'll dive into 5 ways to bring yourself forward in a more elevated energetic state. Anything is possible when you look at it in a new way... 


1. Tap into Your Learnings: Think of how far you have come – what have you learned or discovered about yourself. Where were you a year ago, what have you experienced and what do you know now? What do you appreciate about your life and experience? In...

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Making Rest Guilt-Free 😴

Have you ever been so tired that you knew your body needed rest, but you had to finish that one more thing? Or you knew that people were relying on you, so you put your needs, even for rest, on the back burner? Have you ever been so exhausted that it got to a point when you couldn’t even sleep if you wanted to, and watching TV or scrolling your phone seemed like the best way to relax? 


There’s a whole lot of guilt and even shame about taking care of ourselves. If this...

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Rewriting Your Narrative ✍️

Life is not just about what happened to you, it’s about how you interpret what happened to you. You have the power  to say "This is not how my story will end."  Don't let a hard chapter in your life stop you in your tracks. There is great power in figuring out what you don’t want, on the way to figuring out what you do. Here are 5 ways:


What we focus on grows. The idea is to not deny the ENERGY surrounding your experiences but to TRANSMUTE it...

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Don’t Let Other People’s Issues Steal Your Joy


We’ve all been in the situation when we are trying to hold onto a good feeling, but there is someone in our life who is in a foul mood, or too demanding, controlling, and maybe even sending mixed messages to have us doubt our direction or even the connection to our center.

This is part of life and learning, and there are ways to navigate the waters. Let’s explore the difference between healthy relationships that have some conflict, like any real relationship, and a...

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Don’t Let the Ugly in Others Kill The Beauty in You

3 ways to realign with your inner confidence, beauty, and strength.


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that someone’s attitude or behavior was affecting how you felt about yourself? We live in a world of contrast. Shocking and calming, negative and positive, disappointing and inspiring, feeling overwhelmed and I got this. Today we’re talking about 3 ways to return to your beauty, strength, and promise, even in a very complicated world. 



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Stuck? How Your Inner Child Can Help

Do you ever notice that you are feeling sad or angry or upset for no reason? Do you find yourself repeating old patterns even though you know there are better ways? Guess what? There is nothing wrong with you! Your inner child can help.


What’s an Inner Child? Everyone has one. That’s the tender, innocent and sweet part of you that’s in you still. It’s the part where as a very young child you may have felt scared, or not nurtured, maybe not seen, or...

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Relationships: 5 Ways to Deal with Trauma Bonds

#1 Truth – We all want love; in fact, we need it to survive. As children, we grow up in families where the parents or caregivers are doing the best they know how, but oftentimes they themselves did not grow up in a secure household, so they don’t know how to model that for their kids. Have you ever felt yourself to be in that situation? 


Most children had to find a way to navigate that landscape, to get whatever love was available.  Why? Love means...

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Know Your Happiness Blueprint :)

Happiness is not a one size fits all program. For it to be real, it has to be personally aligned with you, and what’s meaningful, important, and resonant with no one else but YOU!



We all know happiness matters: you live longer, have better relationships, enjoy more life satisfaction... The research shows that happiness:

  •  strengthens your immune system
  • eases stress
  • helps you manage aches and pains
  • reduces disease and disability
  • protects your heart...
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Why Procrastination is Not Your Fault & How to Break Free

Everyone wants the feeling of freedom, but procrastination can feel like you are caged and can't find the key. We all get stuck in patterns, and the patterns become habits. Procrastination is the same thing. If you are procrastinating – that’s a verb; it’s an action you are engaged in. It doesn’t mean that you are a procrastinator – that’s not who you are on an identity level. It’s the same as calling yourself an angry person. You are a person who is...

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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.